Welcome to the blog for the Anglican parish church of the city of Melbourne. Visit our website www.stpeters.org.au for more details about us and what we do. This blog will feature regular updates about services, events, sermons and ideas at the Hill.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

On the right to discriminate - if you are a Church.

On the right to discriminate - if you are a Church.

Bishop John McIntyre (The Age 29/09 'A betrayal of the faith') has done a significant thing. An Anglican diocesan bishop has made it very clear that Victorian Attorney-General Rob hulls' pre-emption of the forthcoming report on exemptions to the Equal Opportunity Act actually does not address the concerns of all Christians, let alone all who value basic human rights. A bitter row has already broken out online in response, including some predictable arguments. The charge of defending privilege rather than upholding 'a truth that lies at the very heart of the Christian understanding of the universal dignity of every human being' stands as a very serious condemnation.


Friday, September 25, 2009

St Michael and All Angels - 27 September 2009

Join us this week at St Peters for this wonderful feast day celebrating the inter-connectedness of all the created order, including those aspects that are just a little beyond our immediate comprehension. Angels are messengers from God - God enables us to hear the message as we are able, by many and varied means. At Michaelmas we celebrate what countless generations have considered as guardians and protectors.

Mass readings for the feast of St Michael and All Angels
Daniel 7.9-10,13-14, Psalm 138, Revelation 12.7-12a, John 1.47-51

8am Mass (BCP)
Celebrant and Preacher: Fr John Davis

9:30am Family Mass
Celebrant: Fr Matthew Healy
Preacher: Robert Whalley
Mass setting: Dudman Parish Eucharist
Hymns: 190, 192, 475

11am High Mass
Celebrant: Fr John Davis
Preacher: Robert Whalley
Setting: Missa Alma Redemptoris Mater- Victoria
Hymns: 193, 336, 192, 475
Anthem: Factum est silentium - Richard Dering
There was silence in heaven whilst the dragon joined battle with the Archangel Michael. A cry was heard - thousands of thousands saying "Salvation and honour and power be to Almighty God." Alleluia.

5pm Evensong and Benediction
Officiant: Fr Matthew Healy
Responses: Plainsong
Canticles: Dyson in C minor
Hymns: 150(ii), 245, 275, 269(5,6)
Anthem: Duo Seraphim - Henri du Mont
Two seraphim cried to one another "Holy is the Lord God of Sabaoth. The whole earth is full of his glory. There are three who bear witness in heaven; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one."

6:30pm Mass
Celebrant and Preacher: Fr Matthew Healy

Friday, September 18, 2009

Ordinary Sunday 25 - 20 September 2009

Readings this week
Wisdom 2.12, 17-20, Psalm 54, James 3.16-4.3, Mark 9.30-37

8am mass
Celebrant & Preacher: Fr John Davis

9:30 Family Mass
Celebrant: Fr John Davis
Preacher: Fr Matthew Healy
Hymns: 285(ii), 383(ii), 439(i)
Organ voluntary: Fuga in d BWV 539(b) - JS Bach

11am High Mass
Setting: Communion Setting in D - Harold Darke
Anthem: O Sacrum Convivium - Thomas Tallis
Celebrant: Fr Matthew Healy
Preacher: Fr Matthew Healy
Hymns: 285(ii), 456, 383(ii), 439(i)
Organ voluntary: Fuga in d BWV 539(b) - JS Bach

5pm Solemn Evensong & Benediction
Preces & Responses: Plainsong
Canticles: Plainsong
Hymns: 150, 248(ii), 302(1,2) 307 (3,4)

6:30pm Mass
Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Matthew Healy

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ordinary Sunday 24 - September 13 2009

Please join us this week for Back to Church Sunday. There are lots of things happening at St Peter's and you can read about them in our pew sheet by visiting our website.

Readings this week

Isaiah 50.5-9, Psalm 116, James 2.14-18, Mark 8.27-35

8am Family Mass
Celebrant & Preacher: Fr John Davis

9:30 Mass
Celebrant: Fr Matthew Healy
Preacher: Fr Matthew Healy
Hymns: 379, Lift High the Cross, 453
Organ voluntary: Master Tallis's Testament - Herbert Howells

11am High Mass
Setting: Messa a 4 - Cima
Anthem: Adoramus te, Christe - Nanino
Celebrant: Fr John Davis
Preacher: Fr Matthew Healy
Hymns: Lift High the Cross, 94, 453, 304
Organ voluntary: Master Tallis's Testament - Herbert Howells

5pm Solemn Evensong & Benediction
Preces & Responses: Plainsong
Canticles: Plainsong
Hymns: 150, 250, 308(1,4) 268 (5,6)

6:30pm Mass
Celebrant & Preacher: Fr Matthew Healy